Ready-made company in UK

In the heart of the UK, commonly known as Great Britain (GB), the business landscape is ever-evolving. For businessmens and investors seeking to embark on their business journey swiftly and seamlessly, the concept of obtaining a ready-made company shines as a beacon of opportunities. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of purchasing a ready-made company in the UK. We’ll explore the numerous benefits, the different types available, the purchase process, the essential documents and conditions, taxation considerations, and the all-important cost factors involved in this endeavor.

Benefits of Buying a Company in the UK

The United Kingdom, a land steeped in history and innovation, offers a diverse range of opportunities for business-minded individuals. Among these opportunities, the purchase of a ready-made company, often referred to as a “shelf company,” presents several distinct advantages:

  • Speedy Enterprise Commencement: Obtaining a ready company allows for a rapid start to biz operations. All the necessary registration and documentation are already in place, eliminating the time-consuming delays associated with traditional incorporation.
  • Established Track Record: Ready companies often come with an established history, which can be a valuable asset. This history can boost credibility when seeking financing, attracting clients, and forging partnerships.
  • Reduced Administrative Burden: Setting up a new company from scratch can be a laborious administrative process. By contrast, buying a ready-made company significantly reduces this administrative burden, enabling businessmens to focus on their core business activities.
  • Access to Bank Accounts: Many organizations come with pre-existing bank accounts, simplifying the monetary aspect of business operations. This can save considerable time and effort, especially for foreign investors.

Types of Ready-Made Companies in Great Britain

Ready companies in Great Britain are available in various forms to cater to diverse business needs:

  • Aged Companies: Agedready companies have a history of incorporation and may have previously engaged in biz activities. This history can be advantageous for businessmens aiming to establish a more established presence quickly.
  • Tailored Organizations: Some service providers offer the option to tailor a ready-made company to specific conditions, including the company name, biz activities, and registered office location.

How to Buy a Ready-Made Company in the UK

The process of receiving a firm in the UK is explicit, encompassing a few key steps:

  • Selection: The procedure begins with selecting a ready-made company that aligns with your business objectives. You can choose from various types of ready companies, including shelf companies, aged organizations with a history, or tailored firms that can be customized to meet your specific needs.
  • Price Negotiation: After selecting a suitable company, the next step is to negotiate the purchase price with the seller. The cost of a ready company can vary depending on factors such as its age, history, monetary standing, and any additional services included in the purchase.
  • Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on the chosen ready-to-buy company. This involves investigating the company’s monetary health, history, and any existing liabilities. Due diligence helps you identify potential issues that could affect the company’s operations.
  • Purchase Agreement: Once you are satisfied with the due diligence results and have agreed upon the purchase price, you and the seller will enter into a legally binding acquisition contract. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including payment terms and any warranties or guarantees provided by the seller.
  • Payment: Make the agreed-upon payment to the seller. The payment can be structured according to the terms outlined in the acquisition treaty. Ensure that the payment is made in a secure and verifiable manner.
  • Transfer of Ownership: Upon receipt of payment, the ownership of the ready company is transferred to you as the buyer. This transfer can be facilitated through the transfer of shares or the issuance of new shares in your name, depending on the structure of the company.
  • Notification to Authorities: It is essential to notify the relevant authorities, including Companies House, of the change in ownership. This ensures that the company’s records are updated to reflect the new owner’s information.
  • Compliance and Ongoing Obligations: As the new owner, you are responsible for complying with all UK corporate laws and impediments. Ensure that the firm remains in good standing with Companies House and fulfills its ongoing filing and reporting obligations.
  • Bank Account: If the ready firm comes with an living bank account, you may need to transfer control of the bank-account to your name or open a new business bank account in the company’s name. This step is crucial for managing the company’s finances.
  • Customization (Optional): Depending on your biz needs, you may choose to customize the firm. This can include changing the company name, registered office address, or business activities to align with your specific goals.

Documents and Requirements

Before diving into the acquisition procedure, it’s essential to understand the documents and conditions involved:

  • Memorandum and Articles of Association: These documents outline the company’s objectives, structure, and internal rules. They should align with the intended business activities.
  • Registered Office Address: The company must have a registered office address within the UK.
  • Company Information: It’s crucial to gather all pertinent information about the company, including its monetary standing, history, and any existing liabilities.
  • Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence to identify any potential legal or tax issues that may affect the company’s operations.

Purchase Procedure

The purchase procedure typically follows these steps:

  • Selection: Choose a ready-made company that aligns with your biz goals and conditions.
  • Price and Payment: Negotiate the acquisition price and payment terms with the seller. Ensure the cost is inclusive of all services required for the acquisition.
  • Purchase Agreement: Sign a legally binding acquisition agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. This agreement may include warranties or guarantees provided by the seller.
  • Transfer of Ownership: Upon payment and the signing of the acquisition agreement, ownership of the ready-made company is transferred to the buyer.

Taxation in the United Kindom

Achieving a ready-made company in the UK may have tax implications that should not be overlooked:

  • Corporate Tax: Ready firms are subject to the UK’s corporate tax regime. It’s essential to understand the tax obligations and compliance conditions.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): If the company is registered for VAT, the buyer must ensure proper VAT compliance and reporting.
  • Foreign Investors: Foreign investors should consider their home country’s tax impediments and the implications of owning a UK-based company.

How Much Does a Ready-Made Company in Great Britain Cost?

The cost of a ready company in Great Britain can vary widely based on several factors:

  • Age and History: Older companies with established histories may command higher prices.
  • Financial Standing: The company’s monetary health and assets can influence the purchase price.
  • Customization: Tailored or bespoke organizations may come at a premium.
  • Service Providers: Different service providers may offer ready-made companies at varying price points.

What Is Included in the Cost of Services?

When considering the cost of acquisitioning a ready firm in Great Britain, it’s essential to understand what is included in the cost of services:

  • Company Documentation: This includes all needed documents, such as the memorandum and articles of affiliation.
  • Registration Services: The cost often covers the registration of the company in Companies House.
  • Registered Office Address: The fee may include the use of a registered office address for a specified period.
  • Bank Account Services: Some providers offer assistance with opening a bank account for the company.
  • Additional Services: Depending on the provider, additional services such as ongoing compliance support and tax advisory may be included.


In the United Kingdom, the realm of firms offers a efficient path to organizations ownership. With benefits such as rapid biz commencement, established track records, and reduced administrative burdens, these companies are an attractive option for entrepreneurs and investors alike. Whether you seek an shelf company, an aged company, or a tailored solution, the UK provides a diverse array of opportunities to suit your specific needs. However, it’s essential to navigate the purchase process diligently, considering the associated tax implications and understanding the full cost of favors. By doing so, you can unlock the vast conceivable that ready-made companies in Great Britain have to offer, setting the stage for a successful enterprise venture in this vibrant and dynamic market.

Ready-made company in UK

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Frequently asked questions

  • This is any of the below-mentioned legal entities carrying out payment activities and related operations:

    • Authοrized payment institutions (AEMI);
    • Small payment institutions (SPI);
    • Credit unions;
    • E-money institutions (EMI);
    • Retail post office company in the United Kingdom;
    • The Bank of England; and
    • Government organizations, other than when doing public functions.
  • After being approved by any EU Financial Authority, PI can provide the range of belowlisted operations:

    • Placement made by cash or electronic transfer;
    • Converting the account holdings into cash;
    • Payments, including crossborder bank-to-bank funds transfers;
    • Payments in which funds are included in LOC: direct debit, payments carried out a payment card or a similar tool; credit transferring, etc.;
    • Remittances, etc.
  • The main contrast between these approvals is that only E-Money Institutions can provide digital currency or e-wallet or other device. EMI can deliver all the services an API is authorized to offer. 

  • Though there are some similar features between virtual currency and electronic funds, crypto assets are not deemed electronic funds. While e-funds are applied for operations with government-issued and regulated monetary units such as USD and EUR, cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that has no fiat equivalent. If you wish to offer cryptocurrency exchange and cryptowallets, you may be mindful of acquiring a separate authorization.

  • You can become a SPI license holder, if you meet the following criteria:

    • Overall payments as per month in the previous year must not be over 3,000,000 EUR.
    • If you have not been offering services of transactional nature, or have been delivering them for less than one year, forecasted total monthly payment transactions must not be over 3,000,000 EUR.
    • Employees must not have been accused of illegitimate turnover of funds and the transfer of funds to terrorists;
  • The main difference between an API and SPI license is an average monthly turnover in payments.

    If it is under 3,000,000EUR, you can start operation as a SPI. If it exceeds this amount, then you will have to apply as an API.

  • You can acquire a SEMI license, if you meet the following criteria:

    • Proof that when you launch your business, your e-funds business will generate a median number of liabilities regarding e-funds of lesser than 5,000,000EUR.
    • Proof that, in one year preceding the application, the average of payments as per one month was not over 5,000,000EUR.
    • An overlook of how you will safeguard the funds of clientele.
    • Capital obligations must be fulfilled.
    • The max. storage sum on the client payment platform where the e-money is stored must not be over 250EUR.
    • When the business operations of the EMI bring average οutstanding e-funds less than 1,000,000EUR, it shall hold holdings (as a contributed capital) of at min. 50,000EUR. If the sum is over, the institution shall hold initial capital of at least 100,000EUR.
  • The main contrast between these approvals is a volume of payments circulation.

    If your monthly turnover transactions are less than 5,000,000 EUR, you can become a small electronic money institution. If your monthly transaction amount exceeds this, then you will have to apply as an EMI.